Cornish Grammar: Intermediate (SWF)


John Page


ISBN 978-1-902917-95-5


John Page’s grammar books have stood the test of time and have proved invaluable for those setting out to master the Cornish language. This ‘intermediate’ level has been published in five edition over the past 34 years, each having been revised to keep abreast of developments in the language.

This the sixth edition, is no exception. It is in the Standard Written Form of the language, a spellign system agreed in 2007 for ‘formal education and public use’. So, this is the sysatem that is being introduced to schools and being used by Cornwall Council and other public bodies.

Note: This book is also available in Kernewek Kemmyn

Additional information

Weight 80 g
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 0.4 cm