Three day sale at Kowsva to clear lots of lovely books etc
Kowsva will be leaving Heartlands after a closing down sale
Get your Christmas books in good time this year!
Weds 14th Dec, perhaps all this week. Last day before Xmas Thurs 22nd Dec, reopening Weds 4th Jan.
Kowsva will be closed Thurs 2nd June to Sat 4th June 2022, open again from Weds 8th June.
Looking for something new to read in Cornish? Here is a historical novel by Owain Holland.
Kowsva is open again, on Weds, Thurs, Fri and Sat mornings, 10-1.
A new book for children arrived today, hot off the press.
Our shop at Heartlands, Kowsva, is closed at the moment, sadly. It will be open again when we’re no longer under lockdown.
Two new volunteers started work at Kowsva today. They will be here every Saturday morning for the next few months.