Our online shop has been updated to:
- show actual book prices (without UK postage)
- add a shipping charge to cover packaging and postage anywhere in the world
- offer ‘Click and Collect’ at future Kowethas book stalls and Kowsva Pop-ups
- add Membership

You will be able to collect your books, ordered in advance in our online shop, at the Kesva Exam Celebration and Certificate Presentation (the Solempnita) at New County Hall, Treyew Road, Truro, TR1 3AY between 1 and 4 o’clock on Saturday 2nd November. We will also have the usual range of books to buy on the day.
If you are ordering overseas, you no longer have to buy postage as well as books, nor contact us to find our how much postage will cost. You can see your shipping charge in the online shop cart when you make your order.

Finally, you can now join the Kowethas simply and quickly through our Online Shop here either as a Full Member, with monthly Cornish magazines, or as a Supporter of the Cornish Language.